fot. arch. Maciej Zombirt
fot. arch. Maciej Zombirt
fot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirtfot. arch. Maciej Zombirt

The entire work of an architect is related to people, their needs and expectations. So, contrary to what it seems to be, it is about being in touch with nature, environment and openness.

The elements that are essential for creation of a good leaving space are of highest importance. Architecture should provide a background for the process of life, which takes its course on different levels and in various dimensions. How easy it is to translate it into architectural forms – light, space, nature, lack of limits and boundaries.

Spaces should be very humanistic and welcoming to the life process, they should form contemporary surroundings and meet the expectations of a dynamically changing social structure.

During the years of our work we have created many diversified ideas and concepts. Here we would like to present some of them, based on simple principles of architecture created in the contact with nature, environment and people.

Maciej Zombirt, architect, owner of CITY architekci